Indiana Supernatural

Seeing is Believing


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Welcome To Indiana Supernatural.

Hi, Welcome to the homepage of the Indiana Supernatural Investigations.  I have just started this site a few days ago, so please, bear with me.  Everything should be up and running soon.

About Myself.

I started out persuing the interest of paranormal and supernatural back in the late 1990s.  I was part of the begining of the wave of Indiana ghosthunting and paranormal groups and sites that sprung up around that time. 

I used to be an active member of the MSN group Paranormal Indiana and was involved in the startup of Indiana Ghost Hunters and several other related webgroups.  Shortly after the massive influx of web-based regional paranormal groups I got out of the ring due to a busy lifestyle, education obligations, and things just getting too damn complicated.

I recently gotten back into the ring, however i am staying away from MSN and sticking strictly with Yahoo Groups for group communications.  Go Yahoo! 

I look forward to hearing from you and getting this site and another good group up and running.  This will be interesting I promise! 

And I DON'T eat my boogers!!!

In the Near Future:

  • I'm going to take a look at a long time legend of The Ticking Grave.  This grave is located in an old cemetery called "chickenshit" outside off Holland, IN, in the far Southwest edge of Dubois County.
  • Also, I would like to venture into Pike County and to take another look at the Blackfoot Cemetery and share some legends of paranormal happenings that have been reported in that area.

Looking for a legend:

If you know of any legends or reports of hauntings or supernatural activity in the Southern Portion of Indiana or Northern Kentucky,  please send me an E-Mail and let me know about it.


I am always looking for partners or input.  If you have any stories or want to be a part of indianasupernatural, e-mail me.

Shoot me an e-mail

the face in the fire

Contributors wanted!



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